ALNAP is a global network of NGOs, UN agencies, members of the Red Cross/Crescent Movement, donors, academics and consultants dedicated to learning how to improve response to humanitarian crises.
Following the genocide in Rwanda in 1994, the Joint Evaluation of Emergency Assistance to Rwanda (JEEAR) led to demands for increased professionalisation of the humanitarian sector. There was a sense that the system had failed in its response to this crisis. The need for much more rigour when evaluating what was working and what was not, as well as better communication of learning and good practice within the sector also became apparent.
The Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP) was formed to fill that gap. From only a few Members in 1997 to 100 Members now, we continue to believe that by improving the quality, availability and use of knowledge and evidence from previous responses we can make the system perform better and be more accountable.
ALNAP's activities are managed and implemented through our Secretariat, which is hosted by the Overseas Development Institute in London.